Thursday, August 27, 2009

I have to admit, it is exciting to be chosen to Modern Healthcares Top 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare but I’m not sure what the responsibility means.

First, you should know that I am a big fan of Modern Healthcare. The writers of this weekly magazine actually call for my opinion and return calls if I reach out to them. Unlike less popular and “snooty” papers, there seems to be real people working there with manners and courtesy to their readers. I am impressed with any professional writer who asks my opinion because I have not been trained in “political correctness” and very often state my opinion on a topic that may not be what the paper, nor their readers want to read.

I have quoted Modern Healthcare on occasion to my colleagues because I do believe they do their homework. When the information I am sharing about an article I read is not satisfactory to the person I am speaking to, they have gone so far to say that the magazine is not worthy of their time. On the other hand, they too read the magazine and at times been featured in it.

I remember saying to the CEO of a very popular hospital, at a meeting that I was surprised his hospital was not listed in a top hospitals article in Modern Healthcare. He asked to see the paper and after reading it, mumbled something about the magazine being garbage. One of his colleagues asked me what I did to get him so angry. I assume if his hospitals were listed, the magazine would have been a treasure.

This year, Modern Healthcare writes that there were 25,700 names submitted to be the Top 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare. Nearly 52,000 people voted on the top choices. Out of those 25,700 names there are probably 25,600 who think Modern Healthcare is “garbage”. Probably, many the same people who thought it was a treasure last year when they were featured .

What now? Will being in the list of Top anything help our cause? Will people listen? Will we really be able to change things or make the world a better place because we are listed in the top 100 of anything?

As the president of a grassroots patient safety organization, my roll is, in part to get publicity for the organization and our cause. This is rarely done. PULSE of NY does almost no advertising because of our size and small budget. For that alone, being featured in Modern Healthcare is wonderful . The many letters and e-mails of support I received, many labeled #76!, helped me hear from people I have not heard from in years.

Although I am sure this list won’t suddenly make the world better and may not even open doors, it surely couldn’t hurt. I am grateful for those who voted for me and Modern Healthcare for holding this contest (until, of course I am off the list)

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