Friday, April 26, 2019

Family Centered Patient Advocacy and Patient Safety Training

Family Centered Patient Advocacy Training

You probably have heard the saying “bring someone with you to the doctor or hospital” but what does that person do? 
  • Should they be asking questions for you?   
  • Should they tell everyone to wash their hands? 
  • Maybe they should be available to hold your coat?

    Do they need to know your: 
  • medical history, 
  • your medications, 
  • all your doctors, 
  • surgeries, 
  • insurance, 
  • home address, 
  • drug use, 
  • smoking habits, 
  • drinking habits, 
  • if you are allergic to anything, 
  • if you finished high school, 
  • your religion, 
  • if you are right handed, 
  • do you shave every day, 
  • are you kosher, 
  • how many children, 
  • grandchildren or 
  • if you are sexually active?

If this seems to make no sense, it’s because it probably doesn’t. No one is teaching these skills – now you can learn to be a patient – a patient’s advocate, a support person or a good neighbor and friend when someone needs your help going to the doctor or hospital.

In just eight hours I promise this will change your life!

Please check us our here at and sign up for our next course.  Thanks to the space donated by the LI Community Foundation we can discount our price.  Let me know you are interested and register before May 1st and we can work out a price that fits your budget.

Watch this short video to learn about how we have helped people and now you can too.  After eight hours we will support you through all your advocacy for friends, family or become a professional!

Tell your friends and family.  Don’t come alone!  Special price for 516/631 Ads Members and Friends just $25.